The expert's argument was based around the idea that you simply don't have enough time to create 'fresh and exciting' content all the time, so you should re-purpose old content and re-purpose other people's content to your own ends. He even advocated filling your content calendar the same way every week.
If you or your business genuinely don't have anything to say, then why recycle old content? The expert argued that comedians, screen writers or musicians all regularly share repeat content with their audience as if that justifies us doing the same thing online. I disagree. You have to realise that their audience changes on an almost nightly basis, that their audience has already bought a ticket to the show and that's what their audience wants to hear. For me, documenting or creating new content is the difference between sounding like a repetitive jukebox or actually being a live show. It's all about the experience. Why share the same old content and curated articles that are already being shared by a thousand other people? Do you want to be the jukebox on repeat/shuffle or the never-the-same-twice stage show that people talk about afterwards? Which do you think has more value for your audience? It's difficult to wade through all the advice out there for social media, especially when we're repeatedly told that we have to have a full social media content calendar, 24/7 365. When we're told when the best time to post is, which content performs better than most and even that we have to have 60% content curated from other people because it saves us time from having to create it ourselves. The truth is that quite often, we don't need any of these things. But if we all post exactly the same thing, in the same format and at the same time, we all end up looking like robotic idiots. I've been tearing my hair out over this today, since posting about it on Twitter this morning. Some rushed to defend these tactics, because "it's established best-practice in the industry". Because "don't fix what isn't broken." Because "it's more efficient to recycle existing content regularly." and because, "I think he knows what he's talking about, he's sold enough books." Bullshit. This is the problem with social media today, we're not thinking for ourselves anymore. We've bought the books, been on the courses and now for some reason we repeat the instructions word for word, over and over again. We're not learning anymore. We're not offering value anymore. Personally, I think at best it's disrespectful to our audiences; that we feel we don't have enough time to give them what they deserve. At the very least it's just plain lazy. What kind of message does it send to the people that follow us and expect some kind of value from us, when we just share the same things over and over again? When we regurgitate other people's content instead of giving them something new? Who we are and what content we choose to share is shaping our social media world. When we change, that world changes with us. Time to start thinking for ourselves and doing what's best for our audience and the people we should value more.
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October 2023