This photo was taken 8 years ago when I was working with Playboy Club London. Like many businesses and brands at that time, we took part in the ALS Ice-Bucket Challenge to help raise global awareness of the condition. Obviously, the trend was huge at the time and we knew we were going to get a lot of attention from soaking several of our Bunnies in ice-cold water.
All band-wagon jumping aside (which let's face it has been a staple of social media marketing for a long time now) the campaign enabled The ALS Association to increase its annual funding for research around the world by 187 per cent. During this time, ALS researchers made scientific advances, care for people living with ALS expanded and investment in disease research from the federal government grew. So all in all, a great success. It got me thinking this morning though. Have we seen anything like it since? I mean something of this magnitude that became a viral worldwide trend and that enjoyed a similarly successful outcome? I can't think of one, but happy to be proved wrong if you can.
1 Comment
"Such a powerful and impactful campaign! It's hard to think of another viral trend with the same level of success and global awareness since the ALS Ice-Bucket Challenge." Regard <a href="">Tel U</a>
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October 2023